Miner Setup Tutorial

Windows Setup

Here's how to set up WoodyMiner on Windows:

  1. Download.
  2. Extract.
  3. Open.
  4. Run.

Generate Command

HiveOS Setup for XenBlocks Mining (NVIDIA GPU only)

Follow these steps to set up WoodyMiner on HiveOS:

  1. Log into your account on HiveOS farm. Create a wallet if you don't have one.

    Check your address here to see if it is valid. Make sure you have the private key for

    HiveOS Wallet Creation
  2. Create a new flight sheet. Choose coin as 'xenblock', select your wallet, and set miner as 'custom'.

    Create Flight Sheet
  3. In the custom miner settings:

    Installation URL:


    Hash algorithm:

    Custom Configuration
  4. Click "Create Flight Sheet" and activate it for your rig.

    Activate Flight Sheet
  5. Wait for HiveOS to download, unpack, and set up the miner. You should see mining information after a short while.

    Mining Information

Advanced Settings

For multiple GPUs or adjusting dev fee, add JSON format in "Extra config arguments":

{"devfee_permillage": "40", "device_id": "0,2,4,6"}

This example sets dev fee to 4% and uses GPUs 0, 2, 4, and 6.

For support or questions:

  • Telegram: @aklimczyk
  • Twitter: @Arkadiu49209932

Vast.ai Setup

Follow these steps to set up WoodyMiner on Vast.ai:

  1. Ensure you have a Vast.ai account, are logged in, and have sufficient balance.

  2. Copy the Vast.ai template by opening this link: Copy Template

    Select the edit function to open the template editing page.

    Edit Template Template Editing Page
  3. Use the command generator below to create your mining command:

    For example, 10 = 1%, 100 = 10%
  4. Paste and replace the parameters in the on-start scripts on the template editing page. Scroll to the bottom of the editing page, select and save.

    Replace Parameters Save Template
  5. Use Vast.ai's filters to find the machine you want and click rent.

    Rent Machine
  6. Go to the instance page and wait for the machine to run successfully (GPU usage will be nearly full).

    Instance Page Successful Run
  7. Check the status at WoodyMiner Stats.

    Check Status
  8. On the instance page, destroy any machines that have been long unsuccessful (machines with GPU usage at 0 or showing failure messages).

    Destroy Unsuccessful Machines
Command copied to clipboard